

This time of the year is one of those times when almost everyone has as excuse as to why they did not get their work done.  Between my personal training business, and my coaching work, I have heard every reason as to why a workout was missed. I am not going to throw a post out here about whether any of the reasons are legit, or whether it is alright to miss a session or two.  This post is about getting it done.  If you want to be successful in this sport then you have to just buckle down and get it done.  If you set the tone, and live the lifestyle, of getting your work done then it will pay off for you with success in the future.  Look at the featured image – here we have Matt on vacation, in a campground, at night and he is still getting his training session in.  I am sure he could have come up with a thousand excuses as to why he should / could skip this session, but he didn’t.  He kitted up and crushed his workout.




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  1. DogObsessedGirl January 6, 2016 at 4:42 AM · · Reply

    It’s time to be tired of being tired!

  2. Oh, he’s going to kill me for that picture.. I will say it helped to have the coolest wife telling him to get on his bike and get it done.. 🙂

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